Achieving balance between reaching your goals, the greater environment and having a life is one of the greatest tricks we can pull off.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Season Of Horror!

Halloween season is here, and with it comes the flood of horror films.  New and old, slasher and suspense, Zombie and ghost one and all. I love it.  There is not a genre out there that is pushing the limits of the imagination quite like horror.

I am not a huge fan of the gore world, films like the Saw series, basically a 120 minute gross out. No, my favorites are the ones that get you to lean forward in your seat, to look around the corner or through the back window where the hero or heroine never seems to time. They run the gamut as well, from the genre defining Halloween to outer space thrillers like the amazing Alien (how movies should be made!), to some of the paradigm breakers like 28 Days Later or 30 Days of Night. No I am not a horror aficianado so I am sure true lovers of the world of slashing knives and masticated brains will be harumphing and muttering 'he doesn't know what he is talking about'.

And it's true. I don't!  I only know what I like. Most of the movies I like have an intriguing story and all the trappings of classic horror- suspense, intrigue and blood! But emphasis on story.  That is what draws you in, brings you to the edge of your seat and then....gotcha! A good story can take you places you never thought you would be. In just a few more days, the onslaught of scary flicks will abate and we'll be back to more standard films.  But the desire for intriguing story will persist....

Check out the story in my film BlueGreen.  You can order it here:

Check out the trailer here:

And really importantly, if you haven't already, we are on a huge campaign to get netflix to carry the film, so it would be great if you could add it to your queue! Do so here:

And on a side note, with a week left to go before elections, I feel compelled to just write one little note.  No, it's not an endorsement for any given candidate.  But more a plea to get everyone to take a moment and breathe.  There is a groundswell of anger out there. But in this groundswell it seems that people are having this knee-jerk reaction and backing people that are truly unfit to be the elected representatives, the leaders of our country.  People who truly have no knowledge, who lie, who disrespect the very institutions we are electing them to, and will serve to only bring us all down. If elected, these people will not help us, will not help our nation, our states and cities. We will rue the day we put these morons (for lack of a better word) in power. Please.  I am begging you.  Take a step back.  Breathe. Not matter how angry you are at the way things are now. No matter how badly you want change. Look at what these people are saying, and look at what needs to happen.  I think you will find a huge disconnect.  Please make this election an election for sanity. If not, we could make this horror season a truly scary one that will have repercussions long after this Halloween is gone.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Finding The Balance

A good movie to me is one that draws you into it's story, makes you think a bit about what you just saw, and how that might translate into your daily life.  Not that every movie has to be a heavy, thought provoking treatise, but for me it definitely separates a 'good' movie from a 'fun' movie.

So as I sit here formulating ideas and approaches for my next major doc, I am overcome by the first and initial thought- where is the balance?  I definitely want to entertain, but entertainment without message seems to me a little void. At least in the area which I choose to make my films.

How does one find an equal balance?  Where is the line that keeps a film from browbeating you with a message, but also keeps it from slipping into a vapid music video type blur of imagery and music? I want to draw the viewer in, and then wrap them in the story, the message, without alienating them, yet still entertaining them.

It's a tricky balancing act for sure. I am not sure I will ever figure it out. As with all things in life, balance is key.  Certainly there are excellent films that are all imagery, or all message. For me though, the balance between the two is essential. I will let you know how it comes along!

For now, check out the balance in my last film BlueGreen.  You can order it here:

Check out the trailer here:

And really importantly, if you haven't already, we are on a huge campaign to get netclix to carry the film, so it would be great if you could add it to your queue! Do so here: