There is a certain freedom in starting all over again. Trying to figure something out, to search out a way to make it work. In crisis situations of course, it's hard to see it, but have you ever asked yourself what you would do if everything changed drastically? Pretty much everyone I know does.
But lots of these little opportunities arise every day, totally unrelated to crisis. We try something new, or we enter into a new situation. It is really invigorating.
The reason this has come to the forefront for me is because recently I have joined the ranks of the Sweepers. For those of you who don't know this surf lingo belittlement, it is how the die hard prone surfers refer to Stand Up Paddleboarders.
Now, living in Maine, I figured by crossing over to the Dark Side, I would increase my water time due to the infrequency of waves. And I have! But it's different enough from real surfing that it's like starting all over again.
But it doesn't matter! That is the beauty. In my mind I know it's something new, and that it's ok to stink, and I don't mind looking like a middle age wannabe, because essentially it doesn't matter- there is no expectation of greatness, no posing to be had, just a desire to figure it all out- and it's really freeing. I had more fun today on a board, falling on my back, my face, whacking myself in the head with the paddle on a terrible windy, choppy day, than I have had in a long time. The freedom from 'oh gosh what are people going to think' and 'I should be doing better' and similar thoughts is a pretty amazing thing.
Of course, the 'why can't I figure this out' and 'c'mon, get it right' starts to creep in after a while, but that is another post altogether...
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