Yesterday morning Evan (my intern) and I arrived at 7 am at the local Rite Aid to shoot two new Pumpkinhead spots for the Shipyard Brewery. For those of you who don't know Pumpkinhead, it's a great little beer with a cult following and really cool art. The Beer lends itself to a ton of creative thinking.
The spots were very loosely written on purpose so we could explore where the concept would take us. The only constraint was that we needed to be out of the location around 11. The spots are supposed to be a little goofy so we thought we'd have some fun with it.
We got the standard shots, the shots we knew we had to have, the ones where in a worst case scenario we knew we'd still have a spot. The necessary, make it go, have to have them and yes, maybe a bit obvious shots.
But then we started to incorporate more, and more interesting shots. We stuck a camera here, we taped one there. We grabbed another camera and stuck it somewhere we couldn't get to by holding it. We used a skateboard for a makeshift dolly, and rode around the store in a shopping cart.
Who knows what we'll get out of it. I haven't looked at the footage yet. Who knows if any of it will be usable at all? But it was fun, interesting, a challenge, and who knows? Maybe we'll get that money shot! If you don't try, you'll never know! The trick is just getting the space to make the attempt.
That's where the excitement is I think. Trying the new angles.
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