Achieving balance between reaching your goals, the greater environment and having a life is one of the greatest tricks we can pull off.

Monday, December 13, 2010

'Tis the season! To give ocean consciousness!

The holidays are here, no matter how hard I have tried to be distracted with other things. Even though the battle for access rages on in my home town, and the intertidal lands of my state are up for review, the holidays have come.

As every year, I feel sort of blase about the whole thing until our annual co-hosted holiday party. This even seems to always kick things into high gear for me. This year was no exception either! 100 people and tons of kids running crazy all over the house, Food, drink, merriment, and the true spirit of the holidays- time with loved ones family and friends all. Meeting new friends, reconnecting with old. Community. My community.

It is soon after this party that I realize, oh criminy! I haven't bought gift 1 yet! Yike!

It's a somewhat panicky moment for sure. But it always works itself out. I like giving gifts. I like taking the time to think about a person, and what they truly love, what I think they would appreciate, and what I think could really be excellent for them. But sometimes the panic overtakes this desire and I just freek out and buy.

Which is no good. You may have these holiday moments as well. So in an effort to help you curb such distress (in a somewhat self promoting way) I want to suggest to you a great gift for all lovers of the ocean, of surfing and of connection to nature. Grab a copy of BlueGreen from Cinema Libre. There is still tons of time.

It's got extra features, and a soundtrack included with the award winning documentary. Pick up a few copies for all the ocean enthusiasts in your life- grab one for yourself too. This documentary is a must see for everyone looking for their connection.

Have a BlueGreen holiday!

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