Achieving balance between reaching your goals, the greater environment and having a life is one of the greatest tricks we can pull off.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Finding The Balance

A good movie to me is one that draws you into it's story, makes you think a bit about what you just saw, and how that might translate into your daily life.  Not that every movie has to be a heavy, thought provoking treatise, but for me it definitely separates a 'good' movie from a 'fun' movie.

So as I sit here formulating ideas and approaches for my next major doc, I am overcome by the first and initial thought- where is the balance?  I definitely want to entertain, but entertainment without message seems to me a little void. At least in the area which I choose to make my films.

How does one find an equal balance?  Where is the line that keeps a film from browbeating you with a message, but also keeps it from slipping into a vapid music video type blur of imagery and music? I want to draw the viewer in, and then wrap them in the story, the message, without alienating them, yet still entertaining them.

It's a tricky balancing act for sure. I am not sure I will ever figure it out. As with all things in life, balance is key.  Certainly there are excellent films that are all imagery, or all message. For me though, the balance between the two is essential. I will let you know how it comes along!

For now, check out the balance in my last film BlueGreen.  You can order it here:

Check out the trailer here:

And really importantly, if you haven't already, we are on a huge campaign to get netclix to carry the film, so it would be great if you could add it to your queue! Do so here:

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